domenica 17 marzo 2013

MY Futòn

MY Futòn

Project of a pratical emergency bed

The project of “My Futòn” consists of a practical bed made of pieces of carpet. They are carefully sewn in order not to leave out any piece of it; as a matter of fact, they all are meant to be used for this project. In this way, users can renovate the whole invention. Furthermore, the seams are vividly coloured and assembled together, creating triangle or cross figures, mainly because they reminded us of their same use in Africa and Asia.
Moreover, the idea of sleeping right on the floor is typical of African and Asian ways and this gave us the encouragement to do the same to our utilitarian bed. Thanks to these two characteristics, the user will be able to feel cosy. In fact, the whole project is designed to be a useful bed for refugees and needy people.
According to this, it is to be place on the floor and rolled out, giving the chance to use it at one’s pleasure. It could be a bed in the first place, a carpet or even a deckchair. The aim of our work is to give needy people the most common, yet most needful, object anyone wishes to have in sticky situations, like an emergency: the bed.

MY FUTON is a prototype for a Politecnico di Milano workshop.
Design by: Valentina Marchetti, Francesca Malinverno, Serena Omero Olimpio

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